scikit-learn Sprint in Salta, Argentina
In September of 2022, the SciPy Latin America conference took place in Salta, Argentina. As part of the event, we organized a scikit-learn sprint. The main idea was to introduce the participants to the open source world and help them make their first contribution. The sprint event was an in-person event.
- September 27, 2022 - Pre-sprint - 10:00 to 12:00 hs (UTC -3)
- September 28, 2022 - Sprint - 10:00 to 17:00 hs (UTC -3)
For more information in Spanish, check this repository. You will find details about the event, instructions to set up the development environment, links with further information and tutorials, and an example git workflow to make a pull request for the project.

These people made this sprint possible:
- Ariel Silvio Norberto Ramos, one of the organizers of the SciPy Latin America,
- Data Umbrella, one of the community partners of the event, especially Sandra Meneses and Reshama Shaikh,
- The mentors that helped run the sprint.